Insurance social partners sign landmark agreement on Diversity, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination
Today, the social partners in the Insurance Social dialogue have agreed on adopting a Joint declaration on Diversity, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination.
The agreement is aiming at fostering a culture in the European Insurance sector that is inclusive, diverse, and free from discrimination. The declaration is focusing on three areas.
– Equal opportunities in the workplace, for example in selection and recruitment, equal pay, training, and promotion and career development.
– Diversity and inclusion in the workplace with measures to protect and combat discrimination, promote diversity and inclusion and special focus on vulnerable groups.
– Fighting discrimination in combating all kind of discrimination and harassments, raise awareness on the issues and promote actions to create fair and equitable working conditions.
The declaration is the first of its kind made at sectoral European social dialogue level and can hopefully be used as an inspiration for more sectors in creating diverse and inclusive workplaces free from discrimination.
Find the full declaration (and all older declarations in Insurance and Bank Social dialogue) here.
UNI Europa Finance has made a news item on it where NFU President (and UNI Europa Finance President) Michael Budolfsen comment the landmark agreement. You can find the news item here.