Project report – The digital transformation of financial services and labour relations in the Fintech sector
Executive summary
This is the final report from the project How FinTech affects the financial sector and what the effects are on collective bargaining in the European financial sector, which was supported financially by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion). Morten Clausen led the project at UNI Europa in cooperation with Nordic Financial Unions (NFU) and the University of Gothenburg (SE). The project team included researchers from the University of Copenhagen (DK), Radboud University (NL), and the University of Tartu (EE). The project’s objective was to increase the understanding of what effects FinTech companies are having on work, employment, and industrial relations. The overall questions approached by the project were thus to what extent global and European FinTech trends affect the European financial sectors, and how these impact skill requirements and employment relations